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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Isuper67's "Posting Bot"

Rumor has it that Roblox patched it, but some how users are still using it.
Any help PM me (DailyValue),

Here is the code:

javascript:var doc = document;
var forums = "";
var board = 35;
var floodcheck = 31000;
var reply = "";
var frame = document.createElement('iframe');
var threadview = "ctl00_cphRoblox_ThreadView1_ctl00_ThreadList";
var body = "ctl00_cphRoblox_Createeditpost1_PostForm_PostBody";
var postbutton = "ctl00_cphRoblox_Createeditpost1_PostForm_PostButton";
var keywords = new Array("Cool...","nice!","very cool","i like it","i dont understand","sure, if i go first XD","NOU","veryyyy niceee");
/*var keywords = new Array("u just got bot trolled");*/
var added = String.fromCharCode(173) + " "+ String.fromCharCode(173);
var subject = "ctl00_cphRoblox_Createeditpost1_PostForm_PostSubject";
var posts = 0;
function Add(str){
function FindPost(){
var doc =  frame.contentDocument;
var threds = doc.getElementById(threadview).firstElementChild;
var post = threds.children[Math.floor(Math.random()*20)+5];
var postlink = post.children[1].firstElementChild;
var postid = postlink.href.substring(postlink.href.indexOf("=")+1);
return postid;
function load() {
var loc = frame.contentWindow.location;
var url = loc.hostname+loc.pathname;
if (loc.href == forums + board) {
var postid = FindPost();
frame.contentWindow.location = reply+postid;
} else if(url == ""){
frame.contentDocument.getElementById(subject).value = "UR THREAD GOT BOTTED XD ";
frame.contentDocument.getElementById(body).value = keywords[Math.floor(Math.random()*keywords.length)]+added;
added += String.fromCharCode(173);
document.title = posts+" posts";
} else {
setTimeout("frame.contentWindow.location = forums+board;",floodcheck);

frame.onload = load;
frame.src = forums+board;
frame.height = 600;
frame.width = 900; = "absolute";
document.body.innerHTML = "";

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